It’s easy with Safe Surfer to install an effective porn blocker on a Spark HG659b modem. Along with protecting your privacy, we also use our own behind-the-scenes technology to block porn and other harmful online content. This guide will efficiently walk you through how to install protection.
Step 1: Install DNS
Enter the address into the top search bar of a web browser (such as Google Chrome or Firefox).

Type admin into the username box, and admin into the password box. Click the “Log in” button.

Click the Internet menu.

Click the Edit button for your connection type (as per the screenshot below):
- If you have an ADSL connection, click the button highlighted cyan.
- If you have a VDSL connection, click the button highlighted purple.
- If you have a fibre (or other Ethernet) connection, click the button highlighted red.

Click the checkbox found next to Static DNS.
- For “IPv4 primary DNS server”, type into the text boxes.
- For “IPv4 secondary DNS server”, type into the text boxes.
Click the Save button.

Scroll up to the top of the page, then click the Home Network menu. On the left-hand sidebar, click the LAN Interface menu. Scroll down and click the IPv6 DHCP Server section. Untick the checkbox found next to “IPv6 DHCP server”, then click the Save button. Scroll up to the top of the page, then click the “Log out” button.
Verify the protection installation by visiting inside a web browser. This is a safe website designated for testing if pornographic websites are being blocked. This site should be blocked.
Step 2: Sync IP (optional)
The Safe Surfer dashboard gives you access to comprehensive parental controls. The dashboard has a feature where you can create custom block rules for your Spark modem.
Pro tip: this feature requires a Pro Surfer subscription and works best when you have a “static IP” (that is, a non-changing public IP address) with your Internet service provider. If you would like to use the sync IP feature rather than downloading our easy-to-use apps or getting a Wi-Fi Lifeguard router, contact your ISP regarding how to get a static IP.
Open the Devices menu (found on the left-hand sidebar) on the Safe Surfer dashboard. Click the “+ New Device” button.

Click Wi-Fi & network > Use my existing router. Enter a name, then click the Accept button.

Go back to the Devices menu and click the Connect button found under the device listing just made.

Click the Plain DNS field, then click the Link button. This will sync any custom block settings.

You can now open the Blocking menu, select the router device from the blue bubble, and block categories. Click the Save button once you’re done. These changes might take a minute to sync over.

Protection complete
Great work! The devices connected to this home router should now be protected. Visit our easy-to-use online dashboard to start monitoring traffic and blocking content from our premium categories with an affordable Pro Surfer subscription.
If you would like to protect a different kind of device, visit our Guides page.
Disclaimer: Safe Surfer Limited is in no way associated with Spark New Zealand Limited.